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Privacy Policy

1. Background

1.1 General

Lansell Properties Pty Ltd (ACN 633 952 664) is a proprietary company limited by shares and part of SHC Group. References to ‘SHC Group’, ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’ are references to SHC Group and their related bodies corporate (as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)).

SHC Group is committed to protecting your privacy, in accordance with applicable Australian privacy laws. This policy (‘Privacy Policy’) is designed to give you a greater understanding of how we collect, use, disclose and otherwise handle personal information.

A copy of this Privacy Policy is available on our website at or you can request a copy by contacting our Privacy Officer (details under heading 13 below).

1.2 What is personal information?

In general terms, legislation defines ‘personal information’ as information or an opinion about an identified individual or an individual who is reasonably identifiable, whether the information is true or not and whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not.

1.3 Our obligations

We comply with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act). The APPs regulate the manner in which personal information is handled throughout its life cycle, from collection to use and disclosure, security, accessibility and disposal.

The Privacy Act also includes a data breach notification regime, which requires SHC Group to address data breaches involving personal information held by SHC Group.

We also comply with more specific privacy legislation in some circumstances, such as the Spam Act and the Do Not Call Register Act.

1.4 Employee records

We are generally exempt from the Privacy Act when we collect and handle employee records and this Privacy Policy does not apply to that information. However, where State or Territory health privacy legislation applies, we are still required to protect the privacy of employee health information. This Privacy Policy will apply in those circumstances.

2. What we collect

2.1 General

The type of personal information that we collect about you depends on the type of dealings you have with us. For example, if you:

  • are a purchaser or prospective purchaser of a property, we will collect your name, contact details (such as address, telephone number and email address), date of birth, gender, employment details, details of the property that you are interested in or have agreed to purchase, what prompted you to inspect the project, how you heard about us, confirm whether you are an Australian resident, information relating to your financing arrangements
  • are a supplier to us, we will collect your name and contact details, details about the goods or services you supply and payment details
  • send us an enquiry, complete a registration of interest or provide us with feedback, we may collect your name, contact details, details of your enquiry or feedback and information about our response
  • fill in a contact form at one of our sales offices, we will collect your name, age, address, contact details, details of the properties you are interested in (including price ranges), what prompted you to inspect the project, whether you are an owner occupier or investor and how you heard about us or the relevant property development
  • ask us to send you information about our developments or other products and services, we will collect your name, address, contact details, details of the properties you are interested in and how you heard about us or the relevant property development
  • apply for a job with us, we will collect the information you include in your job application, including your cover letter, resume, contact details and referee reports
  • enter into any promotions, competitions or special offers, we will collect the information you provide when submitting your entry

In addition to the above, if you interact with SHC Group generally, SHC Group will collect your details (e.g. name, telephone number, email address), details of the properties you are interested in, how you heard about us or the relevant property development and details of your dealings with us. Other information may be collected from other sources but those sources should provide you with details of what personal information is being collected and why.

The personal information collected may vary depending on your particular interaction with SHC Group but will be limited to that information necessary to record and manage our interaction with you (e.g. your name, relevant contact details and information about the interaction) and to that information required to enable you to participate in our services and other products being offered on The Lansell’s website.

2.2 Sensitive information

Sensitive information is a subset of personal information that is generally afforded a higher level of privacy protection, such as health information. We only collect sensitive information where it is reasonably necessary for our functions or activities and either:

  • the individual has consented; or
  • we are required or authorised by or under law (including applicable privacy legislation) to do so.

2.3 Collection of information other than personal information through our website

When you visit our website, some of the information that is collected about your visit is not personal information, as it does not reveal your identity.

Site visit information

For example, we record your server address, the date and time of your visit, the pages you visited, any documents you downloaded, the previous site you visited and the type of device, browser and operating system you used.

We use and disclose this information in anonymous, aggregated form only, for purposes including statistical analysis and to assist us to improve the functionality and usability of our website. You are not individually identified, however we reserve the right to use or disclose this information to try to locate an individual where we reasonably believe that the individual may have engaged in any unlawful or inappropriate activity in connection with our website, or where we are otherwise required or authorised by law to do so.


A cookie is a small string of information that a website transfers to your browser for identification purposes. The cookies we use do not identify individual users, although they do identify the user’s internet browser.

We use cookies to hold anonymous session information. This information is used to personalise your current visit to the website, for example, to allow the website to remember who you are by keeping server variables linked to your session. We only use non-persistent cookies. That is, they are held on your browser’s memory only for the duration of your session.

Most internet browsers are set to accept cookies. If you prefer not to receive them, you can adjust your internet browser to reject cookies, or to notify you when they are being used. There are also software products available that can manage cookies for you. Rejecting cookies can, however, limit the functionality of our website.

Online Behavioural Advertising

We use advertising programs that place cookies on your computer to collect information about your browsing history (including on external websites). This information, which does not identify you personally, is collected in order to improve your online experience by customising the advertising you see to your interests (including the display of more relevant ads on external websites). You can opt out of these programs at any time by using the opt-out service provided by Google and Facebook here.

2.4 What if you don’t provide us with your personal information?

We will provide individuals with the option of not identifying themselves, or of using a pseudonym, when dealing with us if it is lawful and practicable to do so. A pseudonym is a name or other descriptor that is different to an individual’s actual name. For example, you can access our website and make general phone queries without having to identify yourself.

In some cases however, if you don’t provide us with your personal information when requested, we may not be able to provide you with the product or service that you are seeking. For example, you must identify yourself to register your interest or purchase a property at any SHC Group development.

3. How we collect personal information

3.1 Methods of collection

We collect personal information in a number of ways, including:

  • directly from you in person (for example, if you visit our sales office or development, or at events or at conferences)
  • through our website (for example, by making an online enquiry)
  • through our social media pages (for example, through Twitter, LinkedIn or our Facebook page)
  • over the telephone
  • through written correspondence (such as letters, faxes and emails)
  • on hard copy forms (for example, competition entry forms and surveys)
  • through surveillance cameras at our corporate premises and on some of our sales suites or development sites
  • from third parties, including:
  • your representatives, including your lawyers, financiers and other authorised agents
  • the Land Titles Office
  • relevant State and Territory Valuers General
  • our sales agents
  • other real estate agents
  • the Australian Securities and Investment Commission
  • mortgage brokers and/or financial service providers

3.2 Collection notices

Where we collect personal information about you, we will take reasonable steps to provide you with certain details about that collection (such as why we are collecting the information and who we may share it with). We will generally include this information in a collection notice.

Collection notices provide more specific information than this Privacy Policy. The terms of this Privacy Policy are subject to any specific provisions contained in collection notices and in the terms and conditions of particular offers, products and services. We encourage you to read those provisions carefully.

3.3 Unsolicited information

Unsolicited personal information is personal information we receive that we have taken no active steps to collect (such as an employment application sent to us by an individual on their own initiative, rather than in response to a job advertisement).

We may keep records of unsolicited personal information if the Privacy Act permits it (for example, if the information is reasonably necessary for one or more of our functions or

activities). If not, we will destroy or de-identify the information as soon as practicable, provided it is lawful and reasonable to do so.

4. Why we collect personal information

The main purposes for which we collect, hold, use and disclose personal information are set out below:

  • to verify your identity and conduct credit checks
  • designing, engineering, constructing and delivering our developments
  • to carry out our obligations arising from any contracts entered into between you and us and to provide you with the products, services and information that you request from us
  • outlining our development products and services to prospective and existing purchasers
  • obtaining finance for our developments
  • providing you with information and the services that you have requested
  • to communicate with you, including by email, mail or telephone
  • processing transactions for the sale of land and/or houses and any applicable payments and for our billing and account purposes
  • to administer our website and for internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statistical and survey purposes
  • promoting ourselves and our products and services, including through direct marketing, events and competitions
  • performing research and statistical analysis, including for customer satisfaction and service improvement purposes
  • protecting the security of our offices, staff, customers and the property held on our premises
  • to assist you with enquiries, resolving complaints or to improve our customer service;
  • recruiting staff and contractors
  • to update our records
  • to enforce the terms of any agreement that you enter into relating to our products and services
  • complying with legal and regulatory obligations including notifying you of matters that we may be required by law to notify you of. We may also collect, hold, use and disclose personal information for other purposes explained at the time of collection or:
  • which are required or authorised by or under law (including, without limitation, privacy legislation); and
  • for which you have provided your consent.

4.1 Direct marketing

You consent (until such time as you opt out, as described below) that we may use your personal information to let you know about us and our products and services (including promotions, special offers and events) and our third party products and services, either where we have your express or implied consent, or where we are otherwise permitted by

law to do so. We may contact you for these purposes in a variety of ways, including by mail, email, SMS, telephone and online advertising.

Opting out

Where you have consented to receiving marketing communications from us, your consent will remain current until you advise us otherwise. However, you can opt out at any time, by:

  • contacting us (details under heading 13 below)
  • advising us if you receive a marketing call that you no longer wish to receive these calls
  • using the unsubscribe facility that we include in our commercial electronic messages (such as emails and SMS’s)

Once you do this, we will update your profile to ensure that you don’t receive further marketing messages. Stopping marketing messages will not stop service communications (such as contract updates).

Third-party marketing

We will get your express opt-in consent before we share your personal data with any company outside the SHC Group entities for marketing purposes.

Notification of source

If we have collected the personal information that we use to send you marketing communications from a third party (for example a direct mail database provider), you can ask us to notify you of our source of information, and we will do so, unless this would be unreasonable or impracticable.

5. Who we may share your personal information with

SHC Group may disclose your personal information, and you consent to SHC Group disclosing your personal information, to Tract’s related bodies corporate and associated entities (as those terms are defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)).

SHC Group may also disclose your personal information, and you consent to SHC Group disclosing your personal information, to the following third parties:

  • responsible authorities, such as local councils and water authorities
  • builders and their housing consultants
  • sub-contractors
  • the Land Titles Office
  • relevant State and Territory Valuers General
  • real estate agents
  • Australian Securities and Investment Commission
  • financiers and prospective financiers
  • financial institutions for payment processing
  • an individual’s agent or authorised representative
  • referees whose details are provided to us by job applicants
  • third parties who support our information technology or handle mailings on our behalf
  • our contracted service providers (including payment processors). In each case, we may disclose personal information to the service provider and the service provider may in turn provide us with personal information collected from you in the course of providing the relevant products or services;
  • \law enforcement agencies, other governmental agencies or third parties if we are required by law to do so, or in other limited circumstances (for example if required by a court order or regulatory authority, or if we believe that such action is necessary to prevent fraud or cyber-crime or to protect our website, our products or our technology assets or the rights, property or personal safety of any person)
  • our professional advisers

In each case, we may disclose personal information to the service provider and the service provider may in turn provide us with personal information collected from you in the course of providing the relevant services.

We may also disclose information to provide our products and services, to respond to legal requirements, enforce our policies, and protect our rights and property.

6. Cross border disclosure of personal information

We do not currently disclose personal information to third parties located overseas. If this changes at some time in the future, we will comply with the requirements of the Privacy Act that apply to cross border disclosures of personal information and this Privacy Policy will be amended accordingly.

7. Use of government related identifiers

We will not:

  • use a government related identifier of an individual (such as a Medicare number or driver’s licence number) as our own identifier of individuals; or
  • otherwise use or disclose such a government related identifier, unless this is permitted by the Privacy Act (for example, use of an identifier to verify an individual’s identity or uses or disclosures required or authorised by or under an Australian law).

8. Data quality and security

8.1 General

SHC Group is committed to keeping your personal information secure and confidential. All reasonable precautions will be taken to protect personal information from loss, misuse, unauthorised access or alteration. Paper documents are held in locked drawers and cabinets. Paper files may also be archived in boxes and stored offsite in secure facilities.

Additionally, we also take reasonable steps to:

  • make sure that the personal information that we collect, use and disclose is accurate, up to date and complete and (in the case of use and disclosure) relevant;
  • protect the personal information that we hold from misuse, interference and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure; and
  • destroy or permanently de-identify personal information that is no longer needed for any purpose that is permitted by the APPs.

You can help us keep your information up to date, by letting us know about any changes to your details, such as your address, email address or phone number. You acknowledge that the security of online transactions you conduct using the website cannot be guaranteed. To the fullest extent permitted at law, SHC Group does not accept responsibility for misuse of or loss of, or unauthorised access to, your personal information where the security of that information is not within SHC Group’s control.

Within SHC Group, access to personal information is restricted to personnel on a need to know basis. SHC Group has directed its staff that personal information must be dealt with in accordance with this Privacy Policy and kept secure from unauthorised access or disclosure. We educate our staff about their duty to protect your privacy and provide training regarding this Privacy Policy.

8.2 Security

The steps we take to secure the personal information we hold include website protection measures (such as firewalls and anti-virus software), security restrictions on access to our computer systems (such as login and password protection), controlled access to our corporate premises, policies on document storage and security, personnel security (including restricting access to personal information on our systems to staff who need that access to carry out their duties), staff training and workplace policies.

Online credit card payment security

We process payments using EFTPOS and online technologies. All transactions processed by us meet industry security standards to ensure payment details are protected.

Website security

While we strive to protect the personal information and privacy of users of our website, we cannot guarantee the security of any information that you disclose online and you disclose that information at your own risk. If you are concerned about sending your information over the internet, you can contact us by telephone or post (details under heading 13 below).

If you are a registered user of our website, you can also help to protect the privacy of your personal information by maintaining the confidentiality of your username and password and by ensuring that you log out of the website when you have finished using it. In addition, if you become aware of any security breach, please let us know as soon as possible.

IP Address

An IP (internet protocol) address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer by your internet service provider when you log on. Your IP address is not linked to your personal information but we do preserve the right to use IP addresses to identify individuals who may threaten our site, services or clients. IP addresses may also be used to help diagnose problems with our website and to gather broad demographic information.

Third party websites

Links to third party websites that are not operated or controlled by us are provided for your convenience. We are not responsible for the privacy or security practices of those websites, which are not covered by this Privacy Policy. Third party websites should have their own privacy and security policies, which we encourage you to read before supplying any personal information to them.

Data breaches

If there is any breach of your personal information, SHC Group will deal with such breach and notify you in accordance with its obligations under the Privacy Act.

9. How long we keep your information

We will only keep the information we collect about you for as long as required for the purposes set out above or as required to comply with any legal obligations to which we are subject. This will involve us regularly reviewing our files to check that information is accurate, up-to-date and still required. If you close an account you have with us or you decide not to go ahead with purchasing a property for which you have registered, we may still keep your information.

10. Mail and email information

If you wish to stop receiving any e-mails or other communications from SHC Group which may be sent to you in the future, or if you have submitted personal information through the website and would like to have that information deleted from our records, please unsubscribe through the link at the bottom of any email or notify us at

SHC Group will preserve the contents of any e-mail message that you send if we believe that we have a legal requirement to do so. E-mails sent to or from SHC Group are routinely monitored for quality control, systems administration and legal compliance purposes.

11. Access and Correction

11.1 General

Please contact our Privacy Officer (details under heading 13 below) if you would like to access or correct the personal information that we hold about you. We may require you to verify your identity before processing any access or correction requests, to make sure that the personal information we hold is properly protected.

11.2 Access

We will generally provide you with access to your personal information, subject to some exceptions permitted by law. We will also generally provide access in the manner that you have requested (eg by providing photocopies or allowing a file to be viewed), provided it is reasonable and practicable for us to do so. We may however charge a fee to cover our reasonable costs of locating the information and providing it to you.

11.3 Correction

If you ask us to correct personal information that we hold about you, or if we are satisfied that the personal information we hold is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading, we will take reasonable steps to correct that information to ensure that, having regard to the purpose for which it is held, the information is accurate, up-to-date, complete, relevant and not misleading.

If we correct personal information about you, and we have previously disclosed that information to another agency or organisation that is subject to the Privacy Act, you may ask us to notify that other entity. If so, we will take reasonable steps to do so, unless this would be impracticable or unlawful.

11.4 Timeframe for access and correction requests

Except in the case of more complicated requests, we will endeavour to respond to access and correction requests within 30 days.

11.5 What if we do not agree to your request for access or correction?

If we do not agree to your access or correction request, or if we do not agree to give you access in the manner you requested, we will provide you with a written notice setting out:

  • the reasons for our decision (except to the extent that, having regard to the grounds for refusal, it would be unreasonable to do so); and
  • available complaint mechanisms.

In addition, if we refuse to correct personal information in the manner you have requested, you may ask us to associate with the information a statement that the information is inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading, and we will take reasonable steps to do this in such a way that will make the statement apparent to users of the information.

12. Complaints

If you have a complaint about how we have collected or handled your personal information, please contact our Privacy Officer (details under heading 13 below). We will endeavour in the first instance to deal with your complaint and take any steps necessary to resolve the matter within a week. If your complaint can’t be resolved at the first instance, we will ask you to submit your complaint in writing.

In most cases, we expect to investigate written complaints will be investigated and a response provided within 30 days of receipt. If the matter is more complex and our investigation may take longer, we will write and let you know, and tell you when we expect to provide our response.

If you are not satisfied with our response, you can refer your complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (see here for further information).

13. Our contact details

Please contact us if you have any queries about the personal information that we hold about you or the way we handle that personal information. Our contact details are set out below.

Mail: Penny Privacy Officer, Office 1/642, Doncaster Road, Doncaster VIC 3108 Email: Telephone: 61 4 1133 2127

Further general information about privacy is available on the website of the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at or by calling the OAIC’s enquiry line at 1300 363 992.

14. Changes to this Policy

We may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. The current version will be posted on our website and a copy may be obtained by contacting our Privacy Officer (details above). All amended terms will automatically take effect immediately on posting. Please check this Privacy Policy periodically to inform yourself of any changes. If you do not accept the changes made to this Privacy Policy you should immediately stop using the website and our products and services.

Privacy Collection Statement

This privacy collection statement relates to the collection of personal information in relation to the EOI for the Development. The EOI and Development are operated by SHC Group.

The SHC Group collects and uses personal information about you to engage with you in relation to the EOI and the sale of property to you. SHC Group also uses your personal information for related purposes including to request your feedback on the products and services provided by SHC Group.

Wherever possible SHC Group will collect personal information directly from you including information that you directly supply when submitting your EOI registration or application. Such information collected includes your name, address, email address and telephone number. If you do not provide all the personal information SHC Group requests from you, SHC Group will not be able to contact you your EOI for a property at the Development.

SHC Group may disclose personal information about you to third party agents and service providers to assist SHC Group in the sale of property at the Development and in the operation of its business to provide the products and services you request. Your personal information may also be disclosed to overseas recipients who use the personal information to assist SHC Group in the operation its business.

The general SHC Group Privacy Policy contains information about how you may request access to and correction of personal information SHC Group holds about you, or to make a complaint about an alleged breach of the Australian Privacy Principles.

Promotion of other products and services

You agree to SHC Group using your personal information in relation to the EOI and to promote its products and services to you. If you no longer wish to receive promotional information from SHC Group, you may advise SHC Group of your wish. The general SHC Group Privacy Policy contains information about how you may send your request to SHC Group.

If you have any queries about privacy, please contact our Privacy Officer, SHC Group, Office 1/642 Doncaster Road, Doncaster VIC 3108, phone 04 1133 2127, or by email at

To The Canopy

Penthouse Residences

An Elevated Lifestyle

The Lansell enjoys a natural elevation which provides all homes with interesting aspects. Extensive glazing has been used to maximise the best views. Expansive terraces and planters viewed through large glass panels create an intimate interaction between the internal and external areas, bathing the living spaces adjacent in natural light.

The tree canopy adds another layer of interest with light coming through the greenery illuminating the homes in an expressive manner.

At higher levels, the green canopy gives way to 360 degree views over the tree-lined neighbourhood of Toorak with the Melbourne city skyline visible at the horizon.

Surrounding Skyline

Views of surrounding skyline are framed by the lush garden landscaping.

Migration of Life

The expansive homes at The Lansell create an easy transition for those downsizing to a simpler and more secure lifestyle. Each home has been carefully considered for ease of use, privacy and security with few neighbours around.

A generous sense of space has been maintained in every home with an intimate connection to the surrounding greenery.

Internally, each Lansell home features large spaces to display art and mementoes. There is also an ability to customise the space to fit your lifestyle and desires; whether it be for work, collections or entertainment. The neutral but premium palette throughout also allows you to layer your personality and create your unique home.

As a development, The Lansell has been considered carefully to fulfil its aim to be amongst the most luxurious and desirable boutique developments in Melbourne. A development where a new level of luxury with the convenience of living in a managed building with concierge and security services awaits you.

Layers of Personality

Elegant interiors are finished in a luxurious palette of warm materials.

A limited collection of fifteen exceptional residences, The Lansell is nestled within a secluded natural landscape on one of Toorak’s most coveted addresses, 16 Lansell Road.


The Lansell, is situated within one of the most exclusive residential neighbourhoods of Melbourne where beautiful homes grace quiet and wide, treelined streets.

The large site on which The Lansell sits is truly a jewel. Rising gently from the street, the site provides commanding views of the Melbourne city skyline and the tranquil and lush gardens of this exclusive area and its surrounds.

A team of award-winning professionals have been gathered by developer SHC Group to conceive a collection of exclusive homes which intends to establish a new benchmark of luxury living in Melbourne.

The team includes K2LD Architects who have designed a number of award-winning homes in Melbourne and Singapore, and Jack Merlo; renowned landscape architect of many prestigious gardens in the local area.

Together they have collaborated to bring this development to life, alongside consultants, specialists and premium suppliers such as Hansgrohe and Gaggenau in aspiration to create a truly timeless project.

“Each home is individually crafted to meet the needs of its residents, and to reflect the character of this location: private, considered, exceptional.”

Tisha Lee, K2LD

Makers & Creators

Team & Collaborators

“We believe in providing quality and value through careful, innovative and thoughtful selection for our clients. This is our ethos.”

Peng Seang, The SHC Group


We are an international architecture and interior design practice with a vision to Nurture the Future.

With offices in Singapore and Melbourne, we’re a proud, passionate and diverse group of individuals who combine to create great outcomes for our clients and the urban environment.

It’s in our differences that we find our distinctiveness, and that shows in our work – from all scales of single or multi-residential and commercial developments, through to public and private education and infrastructure projects throughout the region.

No project is identical. For us, the chance to explore new considerations and opportunities, and create bespoke products is why we love the work we do.

We focus on the collaborative process ahead. This allows us to develop solutions that can positively impact the community around us.

The SHC Group

SHC Group is a multi-award winning developer and established investment company who has undertaken projects around the world. This includes apartments, residences and boutique hotel projects in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan and Australia.

In Melbourne, SHC Group has completed the luxury apartment project at Springfield Toorak and a 252 apartment unit at Nest at the Hill, Doncaster. The Group also recently launched heartwood Toorak and Monument Armadale luxury apartment projects.

SHC Group takes pride in developing projects with unique concepts and excellent design, bringing ideas to life with both beauty and functionality. Awards received for their projects include RAIA 26th National Architect Award, SIA Architectural Design Award 2001, 2004, 2006, 2010, 2012, Asian Habitat Award 2006, Cityscape Architectural Review International Award 2005 and most recently Asia Pacific Property Award 2019.

SHC Group continues to expand its property portfolio in Japan and around the region with a series of exclusive projects with emphasis on quality, unique design, attention to detail and delivery.

Jack Merlo

Renowned for his impeccable landscape architecture and collaborative approach, Jack Merlo and his team elevate outdoor spaces through principles of beauty, harmony and sustainability.

With his attention to detail, and his highly considered designs to suit a wide range of private house styles in Melbourne’s most established suburbs, Jack’s reputation soon grew along with the size of his South Yarra studio.

Jack enjoys close working relationships with many leading architects and developers, and is highly sought after as a partner on high-end multi-residential projects. In recent years he has designed landscapes that range from private courtyard gardens to expansive rooftop lounges and many other innovative outdoor spaces.

Jack Merlo takes pride in bringing a unique architectural approach to landscape design, creating spaces that people will appreciate for years to come. Each new project is an individual and considered response to the vision of his client, bringing an ordered and organic form to the built environment.

Project Team

The SHC Group

K2LD Architects

Interior Design
K2LD Interiors

Landscape Architecture
Jack Merlo

3D Visualisation

Kovstruct Pty Ltd

Faucet & Bathroom Fittings

Kitchen Appliances

Urban Planners

Structural & Civil Engineering Consultant
EDGE Consulting Engineers

Services Engineering Consultant
MAC engineering Solutions

Building Surveyor
Philip Chun

Fire Engineering Consultant

Land Surveyor

Rob Galbraith

The Fabric Of Toorak

The locale

A Charming
Village Atmosphere

Located at 16 Lansell Road, The Lansell is just 700m or a pleasant 8-minute walk from Toorak Village.

A truly wonderful location within the A Grade prestige and exclusivity of the homes of Toorak.

There is an elegant atmosphere amongst the quiet roads of this location with large homes surrounded by mature greenery.

A number of small churches nearby are punctuated by greens around the quaint shops and restaurants of Toorak Village, making this the epitome of lush living in Melbourne.


As part of the governed area of the City of Stonnington, Toorak boasts beautiful leafy streets and is renowned for the charming village atmosphere of its high street – Toorak Road.

  • Food & Bars
    1. 1.Amaru
    2. 2.Bake D. Chirico
    3. 3.Bar Carolina
    4. 4.Bouzy
    5. 5.Entrecôte
    6. 6.France Soir
    7. 7.Gilson
    8. 8.Lona Misa
    9. 9.Mammoth Café
    10. 10.Ned’s Bake
    11. 11.Q’Le Baker
    12. 12.Stables of Como
    13. 13.Toorak Cellars
  • Shopping & Recreation
    1. 14.Capitol Grand (Specialty stores)
    2. 15.Coco Republic
    3. 16.Como Centre
    4. 17.Grace
    5. 18.Grattan Gardens
    6. 19.Hawksburn Village
    7. 20.High St Armadale
    8. 21.Jardan
    9. 22.Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club
    10. 23.Marimekko
    11. 24.Palace Cinema Como
    12. 25.Prahran Market
    13. 26.Princes Gardens
    14. 27.Royal South Yarra Tennis Club
    15. 28.Scanlan & Theodore
    16. 29.Toorak Village
    17. 30.Victoria Gardens
  • Health & Education
    1. 31.Cabrini Malvern
    2. 32.Geelong Grammar School
    3. 33.Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak
    4. 34.Melbourne Grammar
    5. 35.Melbourne High
    6. 36.Scotch College
    7. 37.St Catherines School
    8. 38.St Kevins College
    9. 39.The Alfred Hospital
    10. 40.The Avenue Hospital
    11. 41.Toorak Primary School
    12. 42.Windsor Private Hospital

Intelligently Considered

Interior spaces

Timeless Design

The Lansell appeals to a discerning homeowner, with sophisticated and mature taste; one who appreciates the best the world has to offer.

From the moment of arrival into every home, residents are greeted with generous lobbies, walkways and private entry foyers. Spaces at The Lansell are generous and comfortable with excellent natural lighting and cross ventilation throughout.

Living areas have fireplaces to celebrate one’s collection of fine art and objects, with some apartments having both the luxury of formal and informal living rooms and studies. Feature lighting throughout creates opportunities to set a number of moods complemented by dappled light through the leafy forest canopy.

The generous main kitchen forms the focus of the home where the art of cooking is the centre piece. The crafted kitchen system is elegantly designed and skillfully crafted. These are enhanced with appliances and tapware from German premium brands: Gaggenau, Liebherr and Hansgrohe all highly renowned for their quality.

The kitchens also feature an oak finish with San Marino marble tops creating a level of opulence befitting such a home. Butler’s kitchens are provided in most homes ensuring that practicality is balanced with impeccable quality.

Interior Design

The interiors have been designed to be timelessly elegant, simple and plush.

Private Sanctuary

Finished in warm and enveloping materials like plush wool, the generously sized bedrooms can accommodate King or Queen-sized beds.

All the bedrooms enjoy a strong connection to the landscaping with many of the ground floor bedrooms connected seamlessly to their private gardens. Privacy has been achieved through the lush landscaping and carefully placed windows.

External venetian blinds have been included for a number of windows for both sun screening and improved privacy.

Luxuriously crafted wardrobes are beautifully finished inside and outside in oak and glass. Soft close mechanisms provide a delicate touch and internal cabinet lighting are provided for the Master wardrobe.

Each set of cabinets has been designed to fit seamlessly into the bedrooms with these extra luxury features. Master bedrooms enjoy generous connected walk-in wardrobes, some with island benches.

Details in Design

Sumptuous details and meticulous craftsmanship are on show at The Lansell.

Life in Light

En-suite bathrooms are a predominant feature of nearly all bedrooms, with an abundance of natural lighting throughout.

In these spaces, bathing is something to be enjoyed with bathrooms that have been finished with a timeless material palette connecting to the ethos of the Lansell. Limestone, marble and oak veneer envelope the surfaces, complemented by soft lighting and a stone counter that creates a truly luxurious experience.

Thermostatic shower mixers, rain showers and luxury tapware are provided by Hansgrohe. The open shower space with a generous bathtub and separate water closet space for the Master bathroom also enhances the premium experience.

Luxury Fittings

Opulent finishes and luxury fittings highlighted with mood lighting, enhances the bath experience.

Finishes & Fixtures

A collection of timeless, textured and premium materials have been brought together to enhance the experience of living at The Lansell.

From the moment of entry into the building, one is greeted with incredible attention to detail and craftsmanship. From natural stones, to timbers and quality fixtures and fittings, each space has been curated to complement the architecture and its surrounds.

These selections all work in unison to provide a palette that is customisable and versatile for personalisation, yet has a quiet confidence that is strong on its own. The result, a palette of impeccable quality and taste.

The Forest Floor

Ground Floor Residences

A Connection To Nature

Unseen in any other development, The Lansell features large private garden terraces with lawns for many of its homes.

Here on what we call the “Forest Floor”, intimate indoor and outdoor connections are provided directly from the main living spaces to provide a strong engagement with nature and light.

Gardens are carefully placed alongside large glass openings to create opportunities for entertainment, relaxation and engagement.

As the landform terraces up the site, this ensures that every garden is unique and private; each with its own identity. The vegetation also tells its own story, with evergreens placed on the north side providing privacy year round, whilst deciduous trees on the remaining sides provide variation from season to season.

Homes at higher levels also enjoy this connection to the landscape from the terraced nature of the gardens to those above the tree canopy, where each residence has clear views of Toorak & the Melbourne surrounds.

The Lansell has been carefully designed to allow the occupant to enjoy the picture-perfect private gardens from the comfort and security of their homes.

Landscape Integration (2019)

The interior areas flow and connect seamlessly to the
exterior areas and landscaped gardens.

Landscape Integration (2019)

The interior areas flow and connect seamlessly to the
exterior areas and landscaped gardens.

A Natural Elevation

Design response

Design Response

Architects often believe that the land will tell you its story. As such, the design response has been greatly inspired by the nature of the gently rising site and its commanding landscape.

Working with the elevation of the landform and the established and mature landscape surrounds, the architects have created a graceful and timeless form that nestles into the hill and is enveloped by gardens all round. By placing the homes around 2 cores with a courtyard garden between, all apartments enjoy generous views and light filled living on all sides.

Generous setbacks are complemented by expansive landscaped gardens and terraces, enabling each home to feel like a luxurious private residence integrated into the fabric of Lansell Road.

At ground level, residences enjoy private gardens that are terraced along the rising slope, with every home designed to have a strong sense of connection to the outdoors. On the upper levels, generous openings in the facade continue to engage with the expansive landscape surrounds with incredible views of the locale.

Upon entry, The Lansell also takes advantage of the rising terrain by providing ease of access from the boulevard and by car. A sense of welcome and warmth greats you at each lobby, accentuated with dramatic skylights and enhanced by a palette of natural and calming materials.

Early Development (2018)

K2LD Architects have carefully worked with the context and landform to create a building that nestles gently into its surrounds. The stature and form play to the unique strengths and characteristics of the lush and verdant site.

Selected Materiality (2019)

A timeless and sophisticated palette of texture, detail and quality describes the materials that have been selected to complement the iconic nature of The Lansell.

“When something is truly special, it doesn’t need embellishment. ‘The Lansell’ is this collaboration of a special site, with an incredible history and elevation. Our design speaks to this story simply bringing it to life with utmost elegance and reverence.”

Tisha Lee – K2LD Architects

Landscape & Gardens

The landscaped garden has been created by Jack Merlo; award-winning designer known for his impeccable designs that elevate outdoor living through principles of beauty, harmony & sustainability.

This expansive landscape for the Lansell has been designed to intrigue all of the senses, addressing not only the aesthetics but providing beauty in fragrance, touch and colour.

The terracing and slope of the site have also presented an opportunity to provide many layers of plantings with taller plants around the perimeter that provide additional screening, whilst a mid-layer and ground cover provides a three-dimensional effect.

A number of significant trees have been retained and together with a careful selection of complimentary plants, the gardens create a mature but precise form, creating generous private outdoor spaces to be appreciated.

Landscape Design (2019)

The terraced and sweeping form of the building integrates into the surrounding landscape.

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